An integral part of Transport Capital’s culture is to make a difference – not only to our clients, but also to the society and environment around us. We believe that efficient and sustainable operations are key to long-term success and value creation.
Through a comprehensive and rigorous materiality assessment, we have identified material sustainability topics that are relevant to our business.
- Reduce Scopes 1 and 2 by 40% by 2030
- Reduce Scope 3 by 40% by 2025
- Responsibly offset remaining Scopes 1, 2, and 3 emissions
- Undertake Eco-Cert certification for Singapore Headquarter
- All waste diverted from landfill by 2030
- No single-use plastics by December 2021
- Reduce paper use by 25% by December 2023
- All E-waste is recycled responsibly
- Improve recycling rate by 5% per year
- Run annual capacity building programmes for all staff
- Maintain turnover rate below 5% per year
- Employee satisfaction above 80%
- Sponsor internships annually for two students to build capacity in shipping and maritime services
- Ensure gender and ethnic diversity in talent recruitment pipeline
- Employ at least 50% female management members
- Provide inclusive leadership training for managers
- Ensure gender and ethnic diversity in talent recruitment pipeline
- Reimburse 25% of health-related activities capped at $400 per year
- Zero incidences of non-compliance with laws and/or regulations in the social and economic area
- Zero cases of bribery, corruption, and fraud
- Actively support initiatives to develop technology and infrastructure for zero emissions and support international regulation to drive zero emission for our industry
- Distribute at least 1% of annual profits to charitable causes
The Transport Capital Sustainability Report serves as a critical platform to engage with our stakeholders on the impacts and benefits of our business, as well as to drive sustainability in our business agenda.
It has been prepared in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative’s (GRI) Standards and the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) – two of the most established international sustainability reporting frameworks to communicate accurate, reliable, clear, and comparable ESG information and data.
Since 2021, Transport Capital achieved the Eco-Office Certification by Singapore Environment Council (SEC). Aligned with SEC’s Office Environmental Guidelines, the certification reflects our commitment to sustainability as we successfully implement environmentally-friendly practices and drive eco-consciousness within the office.
As of 2021, we are pleased to report that we are 100% carbon neutral across our operations and business air travel. We have embarked on a commitment to acquire and retire high quality Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) for our Scope 2 emissions and Carbon Credits for Scope 1 and 3 emissions.
This award is a testament to our dedication towards integrating environmental considerations into our financial services and products.